Amid the surging anxiousness over the Russian-Ukraine war United States is trying to exhibit an explicit message of "Strong collective response" from the influential countries in the world including India. The United States is endeavouring to lead a charge against The Russian aggressive invasion of Ukraine while India had tried to evade taking a public stand for either. India is incessantly focusing on diplomacy as the only means to put a halt to the mushrooming tensions. The US president Joe Biden claimed that US and India were in consultations over the ongoing scenario of Russia and Ukraine. US secretary of state Antony J Blinken is in talks with external affairs minister S. Jaishankar and is exhorting the need for a "collective strong response" against the aggressive military action of the Russian Federation over Ukraine.
Moreover, the state department Spokesperson also claimed the Russian invasion would evoke a profound concern for all those countries that believe in rule-based order. Besides, the US is in continuous talks with its Indo-pacific allies and partners about the economic sanctions vis-à-vis Russia.
Clearing the doubts regarding whether India was in sync with the United States position over Ukraine, Biden claimed "We are in consultations with India and, We haven’t resolved that completely.” He made this remark at the conference to highlight the US response to Russia's invasion and blatantly acknowledged that the Russian President Vladimir Putin will end up costing Russia dearly." Putin will be a Pariah on the international stage and we will make sure of that. Any nation acquainting Russia's action would be stained by association."
In response to the claims made by US External Affair Minister Jaishankar first tweeted and lauded for receiving a call from Blinken. He further said that during their talk they discussed the ongoing terrifying situation in Ukraine and its implications. Blinken also tweeted, briefing that he had spoken to the Indian Foreign Minister about the snapping collective response against Russia's aggressive strategy over Ukraine.