Thieves stole goods worth crores of medicines, herbal companies from a warehouse in Darbhangal, Bihar. The thief also took the CCTV recorder installed in the warehouse, the owner of the warehouse has lodged a complaint with the police station, in which it has been told that two to two and a half crores have been stolen from the warehouse.
Five glasses along with two empty liquor bottles were also found in the godown. That is, the thieves drank alcohol in the warehouse before stealing. After that, they stole the goods. When people saw it in the morning, the owner of the warehouse informed the police. The police are probing the incident. The owner of the agency, Naz Kumar, has also given a written complaint to the Lalit Narayan Mithila University police station.
Naz Kumar told that apart from herbal items in his warehouse, there was a stock of many types of products including Dettol. The thieves have taken everything. Naz Kumar's brother Saj Kumar told that people informed him about the theft between 9 and 10 in the morning. After reaching the spot, he was surprised to see.
The thieves had emptied the entire godown. The warehouse was filled with goods worth about two to two and a half crores. Saj Kumar told that there was so much stuff in the godown that even the thieves must have taken three to four trucks to go to the same, although he did not express any doubt to anyone. At present, the police have started an in-depth investigation of the whole matter.