The film Mary Kom has been one of the best films of actress Priyanka Chopra's career. Priyanka had made headlines from all around for this film. But questions were also raised regarding the casting of Priyanka for the character of boxer Mary Kom in the film.
Now in a recent interview to Vanity Fair, Priyanka Chopra said- 'When I was playing the role of Mary Kom, I was not ready for that role in the beginning, because Mary is a living personality of the whole world. And she is also an inspiration to many female athletes and I don't look like her in any way. They are from North East India and I am from North India, we don't look alike physically. Now it seems to me that there should have been a female casting from the North East for this film.
But being an actor, I was tempted that I am getting a unique opportunity to portray the story of Mary Kom as she has inspired me a lot, especially as an Indian woman and an athlete I think. Vopuri is an inspiration to the world. But when the filmmakers insisted on doing that role, I thought I would do this character.