India lead trainer Rahul Dravid said that it has been Exceptional, to observe how current Test Captain Virat Kohli has developed in the longest organization of the game throughout the span of 10 years and he is presently anticipating working with the last option. India's 3-match series in South Africa starts on December 26 and it will be whenever that Dravid first will be working with Kohli as a lead trainer of the Indian group.
Dravid said in a meeting on the authority site of the Board of control for Cricket in India (BCCI), "I was there when he made his presentation, batted with him in that match. It's remarkable 10 years after the fact to perceive how he has developed as a cricketer and an individual."
Kohli scored four runs in the principal innings of his introduction Test, which was against the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, in June 2011. He scored 15 in the second and in the two innings, Kohli had Dravid at the opposite end. The pair shared a 43 run representing the fourth wicket and Dravid proceeded to win player of the counterpart for his 40 in the main innings and 112 in the second.
"Coming into this climate, being essential for it, and supporting him en route is something I am truly anticipating. He has consistently improved. I think he is one of those players who continue developing, improving and continues to propel himself and has had extraordinary achievement any place he has played," said Dravid