Amidst the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a virtual meeting with the Quad leaders on Thursday. Prime Minister Modi told the meeting that the Quad should remain focused on its core objective of promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. He called for concrete and practical cooperation in the Quad in areas such as humanitarian and disaster relief, credit stability, supply chain, clean energy, connectivity and capacity building. Apart from Prime Minister Modi, US President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended the meeting.
This meeting was held in September last year. Now for the first time this year, all the countries of the Quad came together. Russian attacks on Ukraine were also discussed in the meeting. There was also a discussion on the human implications. Its broader effects were assessed. The Prime Minister emphasized the need to return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy.After the Quad meeting, US President Joe Biden tweeted that I met my fellow Quad leaders Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio in connection with the Russian attacks on Ukraine.
At the meeting, I spoke of our commitment to sovereignty and territorial integrity around the world, including the Indo-Pacific. Amidst the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a virtual meeting with the Quad leaders on Thursday. Prime Minister Modi told the meeting that the Quad should remain focused on its core objective of promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. He called for concrete and practical cooperation in the Quad in areas such as humanitarian and disaster relief, credit stability, supply chain, clean energy, connectivity and capacity building.
Apart from Prime Minister Modi, US President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended the meeting. This meeting was held in September last year. Now for the first time this year, all the countries of the Quad came together. Russian attacks on Ukraine were also discussed in the meeting. There was also a discussion on the human implications. Its broader effects were assessed. The Prime Minister emphasized the need to return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy .After the Quad meeting, US President Joe Biden tweeted that I met my fellow Quad leaders Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio in connection with the Russian attacks on Ukraine. At the meeting, I spoke of our commitment to sovereignty and territorial integrity around the world, including the Indo-Pacific.