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Worldopress Desk

Novak Djokovic: Australia drops top tennis Player's visa

World number one tennis player Novak Djokovic has had his visa to enter Australia drastically repudiated on his appearance in Melbourne, in the midst of a gigantic backlash over an immunization exception

Djokovic was held in the air terminal for a long time before line authorities declared he has not met passage rules.

He was then taken to an administration confinement inn. A court will settle on his extradition on Monday. The line is around an exclusion he said he needed to play in the Australian Open. The Serbian player has not spoken with regards to his immunization status, yet last year he said he was "against inoculation"

Competition coordinators said Djokovic's clinical exclusion had been conceded by two free clinical boards coordinated by Tennis Australia and Victoria state and denied he had been given extraordinary treatment.

The choice angered numerous in a country that has seen a flood in COVID-19 cases, and where more than 90% of those north of 16 are completely inoculated. individuals have additionally needed to endure some of the world's strictest limitations some actually can't go between states or leave the country.

On Wednesday, line authorities said Djokovic had "neglected to give suitable proof" for passage in the wake of showing up from Dubai. He is presently being held at a lodging in the Melbourne suburb of Carlton which is utilized for migration detainment

"Non-residents who don't hold a legitimate visa on passage or who have had their visa dropped will be kept and taken out from Australia," the Australian Border Force said in an assertion.

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