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A 45-year-old woman claims that she saw the figure of Jesus Christ in a pulp of celematine

A woman who claims to have seen a figure of Jesus Christ in her clementine pit has called the discovery a sign from God that she was 'doing the right thing.'

The woman who claims is known as Jamie Thomas. She is 45 years old and was thinking about a big move from Belfast, Northern Ireland, to Catterick, North Yorkshire, which would see her settle down and get married and start a new job in the same week. The mother of five year old was on her lunch break when she peeled off her fruit, and she saw the outline of a "little man" who, on closer inspection, appeared to be hanging on a cross.

Jamie met her 48-year-old husband, Daniel, when she was a teenager, but the couple, they were 'best friends for a long time, started dating in 2014. They were then in a long-distance relationship for about four years. After traveling back and forth to visit each other, Jamie decided to move in with him in 2018. The former teaching assistant said the sweet discovery offered some reassurance in a crazy time. She admitted that she had doubts going through her head before seeing the clementine shape as a blessing.

"The two of us ( which means her colleague) just laughed about it because we thought, 'this is a sign that I'm doing the right thing,'" she added. Jamie quickly snapped a photo of the freshly peeled fruit and sent it to friends on Snapchat. Jamie said: " I grew up in Northern Ireland, and I'm in the Church of Ireland, and I grew up religious. "To be honest, the older I got, the more religious I was again. I don't attend church or anything, but I believe in God."

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