Rowett likewise tongue in cheek uncovered Lovelace was getting his work done en route to the ground, prior to turning into the club's second-most youthful ever debutant subsequent to coming on in stoppage time.
Tom Bradshaw's objective a little ways from time securedba 1-0 win for exhausted Millwall at the Coventry building Society Arena, with the Lions neglecting to convivence the EFL to cancel the game.
Millwall had just 15 senior players to browse because of COvid-19 and injury-related reason, and Rowett filled his seat with Under-23 players Nana Boateng and Besart Topalloj, just as striker Lovelace.
Addressing the club's site later the game, Rowett said: "obviously toward the end, the little good to beat all was to welcome Zak on.
"Presently we have seen Zak - I think it is the second most youthful ever player for Millwall. I don't have the foggiest idea who the most youthful was, he probably been around 14!
"He was getting his work done on the way up in the vehicle. It finished off an astounding three places."